all images on this site © mike marshall
A distant explosion triggers a variety of melodic birdsong. The songs of the birds gradually quieten and fade until triggered again by another explosion.
In order of appearance: Chaffinch Great Tit Willow Warbler Blackbird Wren Chiff Chaff Blue Tit Songthrush Grey Wagtail Linnet Hedge Sparrow Woodlark Tree Pipit Wood Warbler Crested Lark Winchat Yellowhammer Blue Headed Wagtail Waxwing Sky Lark Corn Bunting
Installation at The Grundy Gallery. UK
12 minutes 4.1 surround sound 2006
Birds Sing in Response to a Distant Calamity
Individual drops of water were recorded landing on a variety of different surfaces - glass, paper, concrete etc, the sounds then layered at different points in space. Around 200,000 drops fall in a period of four minutes, the sounds slowly reaching a strong downpour.
Installation at Ikon Gallery East Side UK
4 minutes eight speaker surround-sound two synchronised DVD’s 2005
The Sound of Bombay
(a place not unlike this)
A twenty-minute looped sound recording taken from the roof terrace of a public art gallery in Bombay was installed on the roof terrace of the Tate St Ives. The sounds of traffic, music, gulls, crows and distant voices from Bombay overlap with the sounds of gulls, crows, sea and the beach life of St Ives.
Installation at Tate St Ives UK
20:00 mins stereo 2004

‘Vacuum’ was the second of three sound installations commissioned by the Grundy Gallery for the particular architecture of the Gallery’s rotunda space. This second installation takes as its starting point the simple act of leafing through a book of visual images - ‘A Concise History of Photography’ by Helmut and Alison Gernsheim, published by Thames and Hudson in 1965.
It begins with the sound of the book being flicked through, the pages rippling as they fold over, then pages being slowly and deliberately turned along with the sounds of finger tips rustling against the grain of the paper. At first these sounds seem close and intimate, seemingly magnified by the recording apparatus, over time they build up, layering upon one another until a sound akin to wind in the trees emerges.
Installation at the Grundy Gallery Rotunda UK
Quadraphonic sound installation. 5:54 minutes. 2013
A Concise History of Photography